Prioritising Wellbeing
Staff wellbeing continues to be central to the work that we do. Reducing workload and supporting wellbeing are key priorities for each of our seven schools, Central Team, School Improvement Team and our SCITT.
To ensure reducing workload and promoting wellbeing remains a top priority, each school has a member of senior leadership who has the responsibility for this crucial aspect of school life who works alongside HR leads to support staff. This shows the importance that each of our schools place on workload and wellbeing and our commitment to staff wellbeing as an academy trust. This commitment extends to all of our staff and we highly value our teaching and support staff alike.
In order to ensure that we continue to drive this forward, we also have a cross-Trust wellbeing and workload lead who leads on identifying and disseminating effective practice across the schools. The workload and wellbeing leads across the Trust meet every term to share what they are doing and to come together to consider ideas to further reduce workload and promote wellbeing. All of the excellent practice is shared on the school websites as well as the benefits of working for the Trust on the Matrix website.
Some of the great practice that has been taking place in our schools has included:
- Use of ‘sludge audits’ to find out the things that are getting in the way of teaching
- Teach Meets to share effective practice
- Wellbeing bulletins with top tips for supporting wellbeing
- Staff shout outs and thank you cards and letters
- Thank you lunch for long serving staff with the CEO
- Combined Cadet Force Non-Commissioned Officers’ Annual Dinner, with Cadets from across the Trust coming together to celebrate their achievements
- Time to Talk sessions
- Thank you breakfasts
- Recognition of national days such as Thank a Teacher and Thank a Teaching Assistant
- Our annual Trust Day where all of our staff get together to recognise achievements, share priorities and hear from keynote speakers who reinforce our trust values. This year’s theme was ‘resilience’.