Free Lockdown Workshops
Why do we need a different approach to school lockdowns?.
FREE training and complete package of resources.
Some feedback from the previous cohort:
“Some of the best training I’ve ever received. We’re totally going to adopt this approach. Thank you so much.”
“We had this happen to us. Now we know how to stop it happening again.”
“We never want to be in this position and we’re confident using this system will stop it from happening.”
Following existing school lockdown guidance can lead to problems. An increasing number of schools have experienced unintended consequences when they have gone into lockdown states. When Bloxwich Academy in Walsall (part of Matrix Academy Trust) followed a normal lockdown procedure in spring 2024, school went back to normal very quickly afterwards. Or so they thought. There is no way they could have foreseen having to contend with more than 50 members of the public invading their school site and having to close the school. This was widely reported in the local and national news.
Several other schools in the area – and further afield – have since shared how they have experienced similar episodes.
Since the incident at Bloxwich Academy, staff from Matrix Academy Trust have worked closely with Phil Dolby, Chief Superintendent from the West Midlands Police) to devise an entirely new approach to lockdown procedures. They call this a ‘SMART Response’, and they have already delivered training to dozens of schools in the West Midlands.
Due to popular demand, they are running another round of the training, which is delivered over two days.
Session 1 – ‘The Package’ And ‘From Policy to Practice
- Phil Dolby (Chief Superintendent, West Midlands Police)
- Lynsey Draycott (CEO of Matrix)
- David Lowbridge-Ellis MBE (Director of School Improvement of Matrix)
- Gary Smart (Head of Capital & Compliance at Matrix) ‘From Policy to Practice: Matrix’s approach’
In this first session, Phil will explore the need for a new approach to lockdowns, underpinning by principles employed by the Police. Then Matrix staff will share their own story and how they used these have used Police principles to create their new approach. You will be provided with copies of all of their resources, including the policy documents, role cards and the supporting videos.
Session 2 – Tuesday 25th March – 10.00am – 1.00pm
- Phil Dolby (Chief Superintendent, West Midlands Police)
Once you have had a chance to consider how you might implement the new approach from the first session, Phil Dolby will help you test it by applying it to various possible scenarios.
If you weren’t able to attend our previous workshop, get in touch to find out about upcoming sessions. We’d love to have you join us next time!