Improving English outcomes across Walsall 

Having great English teachers does not always correlate to pupils achieving great outcomes. That’s our starting point for the Key Stage 4 English project that Matrix have been asked by the Department for Education to deliver across Walsall (a Priority Education Investment Area). We are bringing together Walsall English practitioners to improve GCSE outcomes in 2024, 2025 and sustain these improvements into the future.

You can find out more about the project here.

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How to make your English curriculum fully inclusive – and why it’s so important that we all do so!

Our Director of School Improvement, David Lowbridge-Ellis MBE, has contributed his insights into what makes a great English curriculum to a new series of videos published by Pearson.

Across the country, teachers have been calling for English content that is real and relevant; for texts and tasks that they can relate to and want to engage with. You can view David’s insights here: